03 June 2009

scavenger hunt nerds unite!

Google and Virgin America are teaming up to bring us the world's first Day in the Cloud Challenge, where earthbound and airborne alike can compete in a one-hour scavenger hunt.

I have no idea what we'll be looking for, but it's an interesting way to push both Google apps and in-flight internet. So, here's what awaits you if you do well:
Become one of the top scorers and we'll set you up with your own personal "Year in the Cloud," complete with a brand-new HP netbook and 1 terabyte of Google Account storage for your photos and mail—all of which will come in handy when you fly free for a year on Virgin America with complimentary WiFi.
Now, I know lots of you are great with trivia and scavenger hunts and will really mangle any chances I would have had of winning, but here's to good karma.

Let me know when you win lots of free goodies.

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