16 August 2012

a good response to death

Most people curl up and shrink into a dark hole when losing a loved one, and this is certainly necessary, but then, life continues as if nothing happened, and we have to figure out how to go on.

Enter Jim Cotter, an Ohio native who lost his wife and decided to literally paint his town.  Gloucester, Ohio, a once-thriving coal town, had seen better days, and Cotter said he'd always hoped someone would come along and fix the town up.  When his wife passed away, he wanted to do something "to miss her less" and decided to be that someone.  He started painting house after house, storefront after storefront, in the 2000-person town, and people were so inspired, volunteers started helping him.

Supporters who caught wind of Cotter's efforts came from all over, including other states.  One day, 260 people showed up to paint.  Here's a news clip.


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